AC provides important information for residents who are selling or making exterior changes to their home
Grounds, tennis court use & access, snow removal, towing & parking
Membership, policies, passes, etc
Dates & Hours
Membership Information
Swim Team Info
View minutes from Plantations Two Board of Directors meetings
Governing Documents
Governing Documents (includes Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions, and Resolutions) can be purchased for $25 by either:
Mailing a check made out to Plantations Two Community Association, C/O Accountable Bookkeeping, PO Box 4962, Annapolis, MD 21403, please include name and address.
Townhouses Mailbox Key Replacement
Lost or Misplaced Townhouse Mailbox Key(s)?
Email to receive details regarding the purchase of a replacement mailbox key(s). Include name and street address in email.
Purchase replacement mailbox keys for $25.00 each from the Payments page.